Picking the best protein powder: 3 lesser-known protein powders to consider
So you’ve read all about how beneficial high protein, low carb diets are, and you’re in the market to pick up some protein powder to supplement your diet with. There’s just one problem: there are too many options available on the market, and you don’t know which to pick. In this article, we’ll run you through your various options, and give you the low-down on each type of powder!
#1: Pea protein powder
The overwhelming majority of protein powders in the market are made up of whey protein or soy protein, but pea protein is slowly but surely becoming more popular. Because it contains zero gluten and dairy, this category of powder is widely known to be the most hypoallergenic of all powders. It’s highly digestible, and it doesn’t cause bloating (which many other protein powders do)!
Try: Amazonia’s Raw Protein Isolate Powder, which is made up of a specially formulated blend of 70% golden pea and 30% brown rice
#2: Protein powder with electrolytes
Electrolytes are commonly associated with recovery drinks, which help rehydrate your body and replenish the electrolytes that you’ve lost whilst sweating. By looking for a protein powder which incorporates electrolytes-rich ingredients in the mix, you’ll be able to sustain your stamina and get the most out of your workout.
Try: Amazonia’s Raw Workout Protein Powder, which consists of concentrated sea minerals, isotonic coconut water, ancient seeds and traditional herbs, and more.
#3: Sugar-free protein powders
Most people are hoping that their exercise and diet regimen will help them keep trim - and if this is you, make sure you choose a protein powder without any added sugars or starch-based sweeteners. (Apart from looking at the label, do also exercise a healthy dose of skepticism: if your protein powder tastes more rich and decadent than your hot chocolate drink, then obviously it contains some sort of sugar or sweetener!)
Try: Amazonia’s Raw Slim & Tone Protein Powder, which is certified organic, sugar-free, and comes infused with herbs known to boost metabolism
If you’re new to consuming protein powder, keep these tips in mind:
To make your consumption more effective, make sure you take your protein powder within 60 minutes of your workout. This is when your muscles are the most responsive to the use of protein for repair and growth, so don’t miss out on this window of opportunity!
If you have any sort of kidney complications or disease, your body might not be able to tolerate the amount of protein that an average person’s system can handle. In that case, go with protein powders which have less protein content (look for 10-15 grams per serving).