Health Benefits of Meditation


What Is Meditation?

Introduction: There are a lot of misconceptions and beliefs that are circulating about meditation. Some believe that it is a form of mental concentration while others regard it as imagining something to obtain peace of mind and satisfaction. Even though these practices are not really meditation, they can be alternatives to meditation. In reality, meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness that was pounced on many moons ago by our ancestors. Meditation is used for boosting calmness, relaxing physically, enhancing psychological balance, steering clear from illness and to get healthy and in top shape. Aside from the practice regarded as safe by the vast majority of people, it also has the potential to enhance quality of life and lower health care expenses. Numerous researchers have already conducted studies about meditation and they yielded astonishing findings about what the practice could bring such as lowering blood pressure, bowel syndrome, flare-ups that are being experienced by people with ulcerative colitis. Some studies hint that meditation may relieve insomnia, anxiety and depression. The practice can also play a role in enhancing creativity, achieving success in real life, boosting energy and reducing stress levels. In addition, meditation also promotes good concentration, better communication, clarity and rejuvenation of mind and body. The findings of studies about the practice indicate that it is useful in the management of anxiety, depression, stress, eating disorders, cognitive function and brings with it a bevy of other benefits.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation As Stress Reliever Putting stress at bay is perhaps the foremost beneficial effect of meditation on our health. Science still hasn’t figured out the connection between our immune system and brain when we meditate. But a study that was conducted by the University of Wisconsin indicates that there is an increased electrical activity in the brain’s left frontal lobe region, an area that inclines to be more lively in people who are optimistic after undergoing meditation for eight weeks. If you have been baffled by anxiety, tension and worries, it is wise to learn meditation as resorting to this practice for a few minutes daily can help you obtain inner peace and calm. Aside from sitting, meditation doesn’t need any equipment or device, and is relatively easy to do. It is not costly and you can perform it anytime, anywhere. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. The practice was used to aid in fathoming the sacred and mysterious forces of Life. Nowadays, the practice is used to increase relaxation and to decrease stress.
Meditation is regarded as a form of a mind-body complementary treatment. While meditating, you are geared towards getting rid of cobwebs that are producing stress and distractions in your mind.

The Emotional Benefits Of Meditation

Immersing yourself with meditation could help you attain tranquility and balance that you have been longing for. The practice could help you escape from the hustle and bustle of life, and may alleviate some medical conditions. With meditation you have the emotional reserves to handle stressful circumstances, build skills to control stress, increase self-awareness, gain better focus and decrease negative thoughts and emotions.

The Medical Benefits of Meditation

Meditation can play an important role in staving off medical conditions particularly the ones that are linked to stress. A number of research hints that meditation may aid people to control symptoms of conditions like asthma, anxiety disorders, depression, heart disease, cancer, pain, high blood pressure and sleeping disorders. Meditation also helps in reducing blood lactate levels and stress-related pain like headaches, tension, insomnia, ulcers, and muscle and joint problems. The practice also helps in improving the immune system and the production of serotonin that paves the way for better mood and behavior.

The Mental Benefits of Meditation

Meditation purges and feeds your mind, body and even spirit. The practice is well-suited for people who are overwhelmed, erratic or emotionally down. Performing meditation regularly will help you enhance your creativity, happiness, problem-solving skills, intuition, clarity, patience and balance.

The Benefits of Meditation For Students

Being a student is a daunting task as you often need to burn the midnight oil to complete quizzes, recitations, projects, assignments, research works, tests etc. In order to overcome the rigors of going to school a student may resort to meditation in order to gain confidence, concentration, clarity, dynamism, ample energy (mental and physical) and better health.

Different Types Of Meditation

There are different types of meditation and relaxation strategies with a similar aim of obtaining inner peace ... Guided meditation Also referred to as visualization or guided imagery, this type of meditation helps you create images of situations or places in your mind that you find relaxing. Attempt to use as many senses (taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing) to get the most of this method. You may go over this process with the help of a teacher or a guide. Mantra meditation This method of meditation calls for quietly repeating a tranquil word, thought or phrase to refrain from disturbing thoughts. Mindfulness meditation This meditation technique hinges on being mindful, or having an enhanced discernment and complete submission to living in the present moment. Qi Gong This practice is an amalgam of relaxation, meditation, physical movement and breathing techniques to restore inner balance. Qi Gong is one of the traditional therapies that is used in China. Tai Chi One of the popular martial arts that is practiced in China, Tai Chi teaches you to perform an assortment of movements and postures in a graceful and slow-paced manner while breathing deeply at the same time. Yoga This meditation technique teaches you to perform an assortment of postures and controlled breathing exercises in order to improve dexterity and achieve tranquility. This practice also develops balance and deep concentration. Important Things To Consider
  • Keep in mind that meditation is not an alternative to conventional medical care or an excuse not to see a doctor about a medical problem.
  • There have been cases where meditation has had an adverse effect on people with certain mental and physical health problems, so best to consult with your doctor first.
  • Inquire about your potential meditation instructor’s training and experience.
  • Meditation is not concentration, a form of exercise or a mental effort.
  • Don’t hesitate to divulge any integrative health or complementary approaches you employ to your doctor. Provide them complete details of how you take care of your health, and this will ensure well-collaborated and secure care.