Travelling with a baby: how to make the process fuss-free

(Credits) Love to travel, but not sure how to make it easier for you and your baby? Travelling with a baby is challenging - no one’s denying that. But once you’ve got your basics covered, it’s easy to do the necessary prep work that will allow you to make the most out of your travels with your little one. Want to learn more? Here are some pointers you may find helpful in making travelling with a baby fuss-free: #1: Don’t skimp Don’t skimp when it comes to necessities, and forget about travelling light. You don’t want to be stuck in a situation where you’ve run out of formula and your poor baby is crying his or her head off - so be sure that you have plenty of extra formula, bottles, diapers, and other essentials. travelling with baby 1 (Credits) #2: Book your baby a seat (especially for long trips) You might be tempted to save by foregoing a seat for your baby, but it’s a lot easier to get through your flight if you have a separate seat for extra comfort. Also think about the hiccups that are likely to arise during the flight - if your baby wets himself or herself, or spills food on his or her clothes, it’s easy to use that extra seat as an emergency diaper or clothes changing station. #3: Bring your baby’s toys Want to make sure your baby is well-behaved and quiet throughout the trip? You’ll need to make sure you have sufficient materials to entertain him or her with, so make sure you bring his or her favourite toys. In a pinch, there’s always your cellphone to your rescue - pre-download your baby’s favourite videos so that you can keep him or her occupied with these should the need arise. #4: Bring a baby pram, stroller, or a baby carrier travelling with baby 5 (Credits) Your baby isn’t used to being out and about for prolonged periods of time - and you’re not accustomed to being out whilst juggling a baby for abovementioned periods of time, either. In order to lessen your almost inevitable fatigue, use strollers, prams or baby carriers to make your daily expeditions smoother. #5: Cut yourself some slack Yes, you will encounter unexpected mishaps whilst you’re travelling with the baby, but as long as these mishaps don’t pose a threat to your baby’s well-being, there’s no real harm done. Don’t overthink things, cut yourself some slack, and most of all, know that it isn’t the end of the world if you make a mistake of two. Don’t stress too much when it comes to baby travel - the whole point of it is to have fun and to create memories with your baby, so be sure to do just that!